Longer Days and Seeing more of the “Sun”

Finally… with the passing of the Winter Solstice, the days are getting longer. Winter Solstice simply means the day the sun was at its lowest peak on the horizon, resulting in our area having the least exposure to the sun all year. But now, with the days getting longer, we’ll be seeing more and more of the sun and feeling its warmth. There’s another way, an even better way, to warm up and see more of the sun this year… make that the “Sun of Righteousness” Malachi 4:2 “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.”  And we need to see more of this Son in our personal lives and character! A couple of resources I would recommend to you so you can see Him more, and more clearly, would be a Bible (good translation) and, what I consider the greatest Bible Commentary series of all, the Conflict Series (Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, the Great Controversy). An profoundly helpful method of Bible study to enrich your walk with Jesus Christ is to read the corresponding chapters from the conflict series with your Bible. You will also need a yellow highlighter, a red pen, and another highlighter (colored pencils also work great as highlighters). As you read, highlight in yellow anything in the conflict series where God especially speaks to your heart. Underline in red any life changing eternal principles you find. Also highlight, with an alternate color, anything in the conflict series where you feel God is calling you to make a specific change in your life. You m ay also want to record this in a prayer journal where you can chart your progress. God’s blessings as you take time to see more of the “Sun of Righteousness” in your day.

Pastor Michael Wise